Teresa Ribera

EuroActiv Politico News

Teresa Ribera saw this coming.

In four years as minister for the ecological transition — she later added deputy prime minister to her titles — she has guided Spain’s shift away from coal, crafted a pandemic recovery plan that is among the greenest in Europe and ensured Spain has emerged as a relative winner compared to its neighbors from the energy crisis.

She anticipated the impacts of the gas price rise and argued for major interventions in the electricity markets last year — long before the idea finally made it into European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s State of the Union speech in September.

Spain won approval from Brussels in April to implement a price cap on gas. The move, known as the “Iberian exception,” was effectively a subsidy of gas-fired power plants and brought power prices in Spain and Portugal to some of the lowest levels in Europe. Amid mounting pressure on the EU to propose some sort of price cap mechanism, the Commission is now increasingly looking to the Iberian model as an example for the entire bloc.

One of the lasting results of these reforms may be the decoupling of gas and electricity markets, a move that Ribera says will calm prices and give green energy investors a more reliable market in the long term.

That’s affording Ribera a little victory lap.

“I remember when one year ago, we were suggesting from Spain that we needed to react … it was a kind of taboo. Nobody was willing to accept this discussion,” she told POLITICO in a recent interview, adding: “I think that the intention, the worries, the concerns, but also the approach on how to deal with this issue … has been shared by many other member states and by the European institutions.”

Ribera’s influence in the past year has stemmed from a rebalancing of power across the EU caused by the gas supply and price crisis. Suddenly, gas-hungry Germany is looking to Spain to help convince France to allow the construction of a new pipeline that will snake up the Mediterranean coast of Catalonia into France.

Ribera — a former U.N. climate negotiator — was one of the most vocal critics of the Energy Charter Treaty, pushing for the EU to prepare to leave the pact that protects energy investors. Her pressure bought the EU a derogation from the treaty by reducing protections for fossil fuels, making it more difficult for companies to sue governments pursuing green policies.

Ribera’s experience in international climate circles means she’s regularly leaned on to assist with negotiations on tough aspects of the talks. At COP26 last year, alongside the Maldives she shepherded talks on finance for adaptation to climate change. She’ll be hoping that, when the time comes this year, the Egyptian hosts of COP27 reach out to her again.

But for all Ribera’s influence in Europe, Spanish voters remain unconvinced. The 2019 election forced the Ribera and the Socialists of Pedro Sánchez to rule as a minority government. They face a tough path to remain in office when Spain votes again in 2023.

What to look out for this year? Can the government stay in power?

What’s their superpower? A true policy nerd, she gets this stuff.

Influence score: 26/30