Plants overcome stress thanks to the Earth’s magnetic field

This conclusion was made by researchers at the IAP RAS. According to research co-author Nikolai Ilyin, the magnetic field helps the flora more effectively adjust its physiology to changing conditions and adapt to stressful conditions. For example, the field helps to defend itself, increasing the survival of vegetation in difficult periods for it. This phenomenon […]

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A ‘whole new’ type of neural communication in the brain discovered

Researchers have discovered a previously unknown form of cellular communication in the brain in which proteins are directly transferred between neurons. According to them, if we take control of it, we could potentially develop new treatments for dementia and other neurological diseases. In general, neural communication occurs through the mediation of neurotransmitters scattered across synapses […]

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Now is clear why some men only have daughters

Everyone knows from biology classes that the male genetic material has an influence on the determination of the sex of the fetus. In our time, science has not yet discovered all the existing genes, and there is no complete certainty about what is the predisposition of a person to form a generation – whether there […]

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Schizophrenia is caused by helper cells in the brain

A study conducted on mice suggests that the symptoms of schizophrenia are likely the result of malfunctioning helper cells in the brain. Their main function is to support and insulate nerve cells. The discovery defies conventional understanding, which until now focused solely on the nerve cells themselves. This could potentially open new avenues for early […]

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